A florist's gotta do...
what a florist's gotta do...
Following my ‘delightful’ conversation with the funeral director on Thursday, and after listening to my mum rant about it for the past forty-eight hours - she does not tolerate anyone disrespecting her children, no matter how old we are - I have decided to register a grievance against him. I don’t necessarily want to take it down a formal route (this time), as he could have just been having a bad day (although even then that’s no excuse) however, I do want it noted that his attitude and behaviour towards me was unacceptable. This isn’t just for my own sake; I’ve encountered far worse and have no problem addressing it with him directly. However, I’m concerned about how he might treat others. What if there are staff members under his supervision who he feels it’s acceptable to speak to in such a manner? People who may not feel they can stand up to him for fear of losing their job.
To me, he’s nothing more than an arrogant blip on a Thursday morning. His behaviour won’t affect, or impact me, but it could be seriously detrimental to someone else, and I couldn’t sleep at night knowing someone might be cowering every time he enters a room, afraid to speak up.
I do hope they record their phone calls; that way he can’t deny and turn it into a his-word, against-mine situation.
Someone has also just said to me "How do you know he's not out there among his contemporaries, and potential customers, sharing untruths about your work" - I'd not thought of that and hope that would not be the case! 😱😱
On a lighter and more flowery note, here is a cross-section of flowers used in some of the beautiful tributes I’ve been honoured to create this week.
And don’t forget, it’s a bank holiday weekend (aren’t I glad I’m not camping this year!). Once we close at lunchtime today, we won’t reopen until Wednesday morning. But don’t worry - those of you with orders due on Tuesday, I’ll be here first thing to prepare them for you.
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