Back to normal - whatever that is

Before I get into what’s been going on in Moonstones world, how many of you noticed my deliberate mistake on the last blog? A dozen or so of you have messaged me about it, but what about those of you that sat back and kept quiet? It’s had over 7000 views so surely just the few I’ve heard from can’t be the only ones? 

For those of you that didn’t pick it up, when I was talking about not buying from businesses that have spelling mistakes on their website I deliberately spelled a word wrong (or should that be spelt?). Which one I hear you ask? I spelled Their with a t at the end so it read Theit; I just wanted to see if you lovely people were actually reading what I was saying, or just skimming over to see if I might come up with something of interest J I think now maybe I should have run a competition and awarded a bouquet of flowers to someone from a random draw – that is something for me to think about in the future.

Once again I have a big thank you to make to all of you. As most of you that follow this blog and who are friends/fans on our FB, Twitter, Tumblr and G+ pages know, I got to go on a little jaunt for 17 days, and you – my wonderful customers – continued to show the shop (and our very own Becky) just how truly wonderful you are by continuing to place your orders, pop in and buy your flowers from us while I was away and Becky was left in charge. It was her first time at being left for longer than 4 hours and didn’t she do well? (all I could hear as I typed that was Bruce Forsyth). I have had so many lovely reports and comments from customers about her and that she kept up the standards everyone has come to expect from us. Don’t let on but I am really very proud of her; I knew it would never be a problem and that she was/is more than capable, but for so many of you to also let on how great she was has been so good. Not just for her ego (that is getting a bit too big if I’m honest) but for me as well. It means I have taught her well and am now lucky enough to be in the position of not having to close the shop if I need some time off (she’s back in next Tuesday afternoon for those of you asking, as I am out demonstrating for the local WI) at least I hope she can come in, as I haven’t actually asked her yet. Yes I did have a wonderful time away; thanks for asking. 

The great thing about travelling was all the florists I got to meet along the way – one in a small town even offered me a job, which was very tempting (apparently being from England I would up the shops novelty factor and bring in more custom) but how could I leave you all behind? You’ve stuck by me for the past 8 years and helped me build the business up to the success it is now; I couldn’t just up and leave you all behind – or could I? Mind you if the shop in Jackson Hole WY had been opened when I passed through and she had offered me a job, I could be sat here now explaining to you all how – and why – I am leaving. J A millionaire’s playground it may be, but it’s also a beautiful little town and if you get the chance to visit, you should take it. 

Once Halloween and Remembrance Day is over (have you seen our Halloween window by night?) then I will be having a bit of a shunt around in the shop and an autumnal (pre-christmas) clean up. If there is something in the shop right now that you know you want and have been putting off buying it, then I suggest you pop on down and grab it while it’s here, for when I clear out I will be ruthless and a lot of stuff will be going to make way for new stock. I’m going to get my paintbrush out and give the walls a refresh as well as purchasing some new (hopefully nice coloured) stands for the fresh flowers too.  A change is as good as a rest they say, and as I am limited (space wise) on what kind of changes I can make, I will do my best to freshen things up a bit. Nothing worse than going in to a shop and it looking the same as it did 18 months ago. I’m still trying to find some nice vases and pots at sensible prices that can’t be found in every other florist, gift shop or home wares store. The company we bought from in Spain a few years back have stopped making their pottery in the range of colours we found to be so popular – one whole range we had sold out in 3 days – so I can only assume the Spanish tastes aren’t as they are over here. Again if any of you know of a range you would like to see, or of a supplier that has something a bit different, then drop us a line and let us know. We’re always on the lookout.


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